TWIP Launches Today!

Recently folks from ReadThisThing decided to put down their books (whatever those are) and post their list of the top 200 podcasts. It’s a great list, but as large as it is, there are still a few that I enjoy that they missed. Sure they have Judge John Hodgman (my all-time favorite) on their list, but where’s that other MaxFun comic riot Stop Podcasting Yourself? Sure, they have the very funny podcasts from comedians Greg Proops and Doug Benson, but the new podcast from the legendary David Steinberg launched too late for their list, and where’s Gilbert Gottfried? (ok, that might not be an oversight). They have some great story-podcasts, but not the wonderful Unfictional, and they have sports, but not the weekly Only a Game podcast.

Also, while the list is great, it doesn’t tell you anything about what’s on the recent episodes of each podcast. So since I’m listening anyway, I decided to share. I hope to update weekly, though I won’t promise I’ll listen to each episode of every podcast on my list. Also, as I’m posting after a week of listening, this could more accurately be called “last week” in podcasts, but you get the idea. Finally, I’m also behind by a week or so on some podcasts, so check the episode descriptions on the podcasts’ web pages if you want to be sure you’re looking at the same ones I describe.

The links on the right go to the podcasts’ episode page and/or RSS feed, so I won’t link to each podcast in the text (other than for podcasts that are not on my regular listening link). You can see general descriptions of each podcast on the TWIP Notes page.

I’ll also give a rundown on our occasional (monthly or so) podcast Before You Leap, from the Center for Environmental Health, including back episodes you may have missed. This week, check out our Satire and Activism episode from 2014, with the legendary Harry Shearer and Yippie co-founder Paul Krassner, along with comedian Negin Farsad and former The Onion writer Bryan Janosch.

And now, here are this week’s summaries from This Week In Podcasting.

Judge John Hodgman and Bailiff Jesse Thorne clear the docket this week. Wedding photos: before, or after the wedding? Also, why “other people” are the most underrated part of weddings. Then, peeing in the shower, ok or not? How about peeing in a water fountain? Marital sharing is the crux of “the pillow case” – should Kay’s husband give up his pillow to prove his love? Hear the Judge’s shocking literary fiction-ish finding. And finally, just when you thought it was safe to say a hot dog is not a sandwich: if we have ice cream sandwiches, is a hot dog a sandwich?

On the Savage Lovecast, Dan speaks with a unicorn – a woman who loves gangbangs. Dan has a few tips for safer group sex. Is a partner’s slutty hookup with another guy a deal breaker at 3 months? Can a women learn to come without touching herself – because it’s become a kink in her bondage scenes. Then, threesomes and oral sex – are condoms mandatory? Then Trans writer Parker Molloy talks about transitioning and relationships.

Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast features Steve Stoliar, author of Raised Eyebrows. Steve lived with Groucho Marx as his assistant and archivist. Hear Steve dig on Erin Fleming, hear dueling Groucho impressions (including Groucho sings!), lunch with George Burns, Mae West, and Gallagher & Sheen go to court, to prove they have no talent! And on the Amazing Colossal Obsession (Gilbert and Frank’s movie shorts show), for the first time two movies I have not seen: the 1980’s horror film Alone in the Dark, and the 70’s crime flick Charley Varrick.

I’m a week behind in my Roderick on the Line listening, so these are my episode 180 notes: John is editor of his High School paper – or is he? He has a laminated press pass, so he must be. The recent movies of Robert Di Nero – Analyze This, That and the Other. Musicals make John uncomfortable, but Merlin’s ok with them. The guys agree, Amy Adams is luminescent, and Jennifer Lawrence killed it in American Hustle, but Bradley Cooper seemed out of place. Then, what is Snapchat? What’s the Internet, exactly? And where is it? And more. Check it out.

Stop Podcasting Yourself with guest comedian D.J. Demers. Hear about DJ’s job as a motivational speaker – and why he hated it! Also, did his dad need penile implant surgery? Plus, a baby Margot update and too long wedding speeches.

On the David Steinberg Podcast, David speaks with comedian Kathy Griffin about how she tricked her parents into moving to LA – but when she got there, she found out you don’t just sign up to be a guest star on the Mary Tyler Moore show! And David and Kathy are both proud accident babies! David tours with Robin Williams, and Kathy is more than just her mother’s daughter!

On Le Show, Harry speaks with the always insightful Yves Smith of the Naked Capitalism blog about private equity and public employee unions. As Jack Nicholson said, “You can’t handle the truth!”

Unfictional has stories on the theme, “Thought I was Dead.” A writer comes down with a rare psychological disorder so she actually thinks she’s dead. Hear how it’s made her more grateful and more compassionate, even while living with the fear that the feeling may come back. Then, a scientist and former hacker tells of the time when his online status was changed from “alive” to “dead.” Finally, a man hits rock bottom, when unexpected help comes just in time.

On 99% Invisible, host Roman Mars is joined by Amy Standen of the new podcast The Leap. Warning: they get smelly!

On Risk!, Speed Levitch with stories from driving a double-decker NYC tour bus. Then Lily Be’s Mom speaks Spanish, and Karen Finneyfrock finds that it’s really fun to go out with a self-destructive alcoholic – but not for long.

The Moth has live story slam stories from John Debuc, who is a 300-pound purring cat. Really! Leah Benson gets a love poem – or not. Kathi Kinnear Hill has a story from the summer of 1965, when she was 8 and her best friend invites her to swim. Next, Tom Herndon’s Mom was an airport entrepreneur – what could go wrong? When she was 16, Caitlin Myer was a really bad Mormon. Really bad.

On Snap Judgment, a coal miner’s coal mining dad goes on strike. Should he cross the picket line? Then, running with the bulls becomes one man’s life work – if he survives. Finally, Glynn reveals “The Secret Book of Job.”

Doug Loves Movies with guests Jim Norton, Ron Bennington, Sam Roberts and Esther Ku. Why would Doug ever do a podcast without Esther? The gang plays Doug Loves Musicals, and a round of Last Man Stanton with the movies of John Goodman.

On Studio360, Kurt goes to Stanford’s Virtual Reality lab and says stuff you can’t say on the radio. Plus Director Ron Howard on his new whaling movie “In the Heart of the Sea.” Hear an amazing revelation about Ron’s High School years, and how show business kept him out of Vietnam. Why artists and scientists collide, and Aaron “Son Little” Livingtson joins Kurt in the studio.

Hidden Brain has fakery in art, with a famed art forger and a brief detour on wine snobbery.

On WTF, Brian Posehn comes by for a quick talk with Marc about his new movie Uncle Nick. Is he a creepy Uncle, or just misunderstood? Then Brian Kiley does the usual long form talk. He’s been writing for Conan for 20+ years and has a new novel out. He and Marc talk about the old days in their early Boston comedy years, including when Brian was an under-age kid making the local comedy club rounds. Conan wants to know how Brian feels when the monologue Brian wrote is dying. The stressful, short tenure on the Tonight Show, and why it’s more enjoyable now being off network TV.

Plus a Radio Lab piece on what happens when a fleet of ice cream trucks goes to war with a competing ice cream vender. Because there’s no room for hate in ice cream…or is there? And on Off Camera, Sam Jones talks with Joseph Gordon-Levitt about Don John and why it’s a “one-way street” movie, working with Robert Redford on A River Runs Through It, and Joe and Sam upload their live music to HitRecord in real time!

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